Japanese vs English Logos


Continuing on the topic of logos, I wanted to share something I’ve personally worked on. It may sound obvious, but a part of my job is to take Japanese logos – catered to a Japanese audience – and redesign them in English for a Western audience. I’m a sucker for branding, and it’s probably one of my favorite types of work, so to be given that sort of challenge is both extremely interesting and rewarding at the same time. It’s not that one is better than the other, but rather meant for different people, cultures, and line of thinking (visual communication actually deals a lot with psychology. Try to take a course in it if you’re a student designer).

With that being said, I definitely had a lot of fun creating this steampunk-inspired logo for the anime series, Unbreakable Machine-Doll. How do you think it holds up to its Japanese counter-part? What would you have done differently?

My next post will be in a few days, since my all my time will be spent working San Japan in San Antonio this weekend. Check back for photos of Stephanie and I’s experience there, and again, thanks for reading!


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